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X26. Trademark Application overseas 1. International trademark application Trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol? 1) The application must be filed within 3 months from the date of expiry of the international registration; 2) All products designated in the application for trademark registration must be included in the designated products of the international registration; If all the requirements for being identical are m.. 2022. 11. 22.
Trademark infringement and trade dress Let's continue the discussion on “Introduction to Intellectual Property and Understanding Intellectual Property”. Among them, today, as a special lecture, we will learn about “Trade dress protection and trademark infringement”. 1. What is trade dress? Trade dress refers to the overall image or visual characteristics of a service or product to consumers as the totality of the packaging and provid.. 2022. 10. 22.
Trademark application Let's continue the discussion on “Introduction to Intellectual Property and Understanding Intellectual Property”. Among them, today we will look at “trademark search, application and examination procedures”. 1. Trademark Search Prior to filing a trademark application, examination of prior trademarks is required to prevent applications for non-registerable trademarks, and to increase the likeliho.. 2022. 10. 22.
Trademark overview Let's continue our discussion on “Introduction to Intellectual Property and Understanding Intellectual Property”. Among them, today we will learn about “trademark overview”. 1. Functions of trademarks There are two functions of a trademark: the original function of the trademark and the derivative function of the trademark. 1) Original function of trademark - The fundamental functions of tradema.. 2022. 10. 21.