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Intellectual property94

X37. Copyright 1. Copyright Moral rights include the right to publicize, the right to indicate one's name, and the right to maintain identity, and the copyright property includes the right to reproduce, public performance, public transmission, exhibition, distribution, rental, and creation of secondary works. If a department store purchases a commercially available record and plays it in the department store, .. 2022. 12. 3.
X36. Moral Rights 1. Moral Rights Moral rights include the right of publicity, the right to indicate one's name, and the right to maintain identity, and the right of reproduction is a type of author's property right. If the owner of a nude painting paints the nude painting, it constitutes an infringement of the author's right to maintain identity among the moral rights of the author. 1) Types of author's moral ri.. 2022. 12. 2.
X35. Subject of Copyright Act 1. Subject of Copyright Act A person who merely provides hints or themes, an assistant, or a person who only requests creation cannot be an author, but a person who creates a masterpiece can be an author. Here, a masterpiece is a work in which the name of another famous person is indicated as the author, and in the case of such a masterpiece, the person whose name is indicated as the author is p.. 2022. 12. 1.
X34. Copyright Act 1. Understanding the Copyright Act The purpose of the Copyright Act is to ultimately improve and develop culture and related industries, such as protecting the interests of authors, promoting fair use of copyrighted works, and protecting the interests of neighboring rights holders. Industrial property rights are rights that arise through establishment and registration through the application pro.. 2022. 11. 30.